Solitude for the Soul

Solitude has become very important to me on my trip around South America. Not because I need to get away from my boyfriend, but because I’ve finally had the time to fully disconnect and be with myself.


Solitude for the Soul..

Solitude is the power of being alone without  being lonely. It’s taking time for yourself to allow the body, mind and soul to get closer to self-awareness (The true meaning and process of yoga.)

Making space, time and acceptance for yourself is really important. The mind is very powerful and will feed off anything you give it. So getting wrapped up in a hectic, busy lifestyle makes it harder for us to disconnect and slow down. Stress is very dangerous and very difficult to notice when it’s creeping up on you.

Seperating yourself from others and busy situations to simply just being with yourself, in whatever way works for you, allows the mind to start to relax. Solitude doesn’t have to be meditation. Meditation is difficult, and requires dedicated practice, to successfully disconnect the mind from thought and effectively meditate with long gaps without thought. Just do something or be somewhere that makes you feel strong and happy.

  • Take a bath
  • Read a book
  • Sit on a park bench at lunch
  • Run, walk or dance
  • Have a cup of tea
  • Do yoga

Some people don’t like being alone or we  find ourselves constantly jumping between thoughts, manically scrolling through the scenes of our lives behind our eyes. Yet, even this helps us to get closer to calming the mind.

It seems so simple, yet we so easily neglect solitude from our lives.

Make time for yourself. In solitude we gain strength and learn to lean on ourselves.
